Thursday, October 19, 2006

Event: My So-Called Second Life

Via Kathryn, here's announcement of a London-based event next week called "My So-Called Second Life". It's been organised by NMK, and thus is going to focus on information relevant to new media professionals, from designers to advertisers.

With MMORPGs (massively mulltiplayer online role playing games) rapidly gaining traction in the media world, will we soon be talking about the latest "virtual" reality shows instead of Big Brother?

In turn, this event will ask if UK creative suppliers, agencies and brands are ready to grasp emerging opportunities in this new media space.
Emerging trends include: Entertainment tie-ins, UGC in games, MMOG software and MMOGs in the new media landscape.

Great speakers: Mind Candy's Michael Smith, RRR's Justin Bovington (hello Fizik), IBM's Andrew Reynolds, Uni of Greenwich's Gauti Sigthorsson and Uni of Sussex's Esther MacCallum-Stewart.


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